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Lurgan College

Cross Country

The Cross Country club meets every Thursday afternoon and has proved very popular for both serious and recreational athletes. The school enter the District Championships every year and our Intermediate and Senior Boys & Girls teams regularly pick up medals!


Results from the most recent Championships in January 2023:

Scott Owen - 2nd in the Intermediate Boys Individual

Girls Senior Team - 2nd in the Senior Girls Team Event

Cross Country Championships 2023

District X Country at Armagh Palace Stables


"In Year 12 I joined the Lurgan College cross-country club which runs every Thursday after school. This club has undoubtedly motivated me to be more active during the school week and at the weekends. I have noticed that XC training has helped me to improve my personal running times and has allowed me to escape from the pressures that a busy school year can bring. More than that, and most importantly, it has encouraged me to make new friends with people in different year groups. 

Although XC can be tough when the weather deteriorates (this year we have had some very frosty afternoons and even some strong winds pushing against us), I have found the XC club to be a place where I can improve my physical fitness among those who I now call my friends."

Bethany - Year 13