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Lurgan College

Edgar Graham Memorial Public Speaking Competition

We were delighted to have two students Lucy Teggart and Luke Teggart represent Lurgan College in the Edgar Graham Memorial Public Speaking Competition at Stormont.


Lucy spoke admirably on the topic of homelessness and was sought out by one of the Ulster Women’s Unionist Council Members, who volunteers for HAVEN (a charity with this focus),  and complimented on her speech. Luke delivered a wonderful speech on the need for greater youth representation in politics and was awarded a third place position in this competition. This was no mean feat as he was competing against 27 other students from all over NI. There were many prestigious politicians in attendance to see our wonderful students shine: Lady Trimble, Lady Sylvia Hermon, Dermott Nesbitt, John Stewart, Doug Beattie, Robbie Butler to name a few.


A great night for the public speakers of Lurgan College.