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Lurgan College

Child Protection & Safeguarding

The purpose of the Child Protection procedures is to protect our pupils by ensuring that everyone who works in the school has clear guidance on the action which is required where child abuse is suspected. All staff and volunteers have been vetted and the teachers have adopted a Code of Conduct for their behaviour towards pupils.

The designated teacher for Child Protection is Mrs Hanna, Vice-Principal (Pastoral). In her absence, Mr Caldwell will assume responsibility for child protection matters.

 Summary of Child Protection / Safeguarding Procedures


The safety of the child is our first priority. If there are concerns that a child may be at risk, the school is obliged to make a referral. The school will NOT be involved in any ensuing investigations.

It should be noted that information given to staff about possible child abuse cannot be held in confidence. In the interests of the pupil, staff may need to share this information with other professionals. However, only those who need to know will be told.

The flow chart below shows the arrangements for parents to make known to the school any concerns they may have about the safety of their child or another pupil.

If a complaint is received about possible abuse, the Designated Teacher and the Headmaster will be informed. They will seek clarification or advice from the Education Authority designated officer for Child Protection and will then decide in the best interests of the child whether the matter needs to be referred to Social Services.